Monday, June 14, 2010

2010 World Cup Win NL vs DEN

Today Holland played its first match against Denmark and won 2:0. The Orange madness continues to go full force.

Here's a look at what was happening in Gouda, NL and Johannesburg, South Africa.

Music by Black Eyed Peas: Pump It


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ancient Maroc Funkadelisized

Morocco, steeped in ancient history, rich in culture, colourful people, and funked-up just a tad...MAGIC!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Paris...Roaming for Mysteries

LIGHT is thine ultimate end, O my brother.
Seek and find ever the Light on the way...

As by magic I received a seemingly unlikely invitation from a friend to visit Paris for the weekend...Little did I know I wasn't only to stay in the heart of Paris, I also landed in a palatial apartment fit for kings and queens :-)

Overlooking the Seine, a close walk from the Notre Dame and Place de Bastille, Paris said to me "eat your heart out, darling!".

So, with my friend busying herself painting a commissioned portrait, I hit the road and went roaming for mysteries. Here are some impressions.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Espana...Impressions of Valencia

Spain is undoubtedly a diverse and culturally rich country. And Valencia and its roaming hills and famous beaches want me to come back! Travel on horseback, perhaps, for a change of perspective.

Here some impressions of Valencia.